Karen Hobbis - Massage Services

21 Yacca Rd
Seacliff 5049
0414 818 836

Receiving a professional massage can assist with the treatment of various conditions including (but not limited to):

  • Back pain

  • Headaches

  • Muscle stiffness and reduced mobility

  • Stress, anxiety & depression

  • Insomnia & fatigue

  • Sinus problems

  • Overuse injuries

  • Arthritis

  • Poor circulation, and

  • Sluggish digestion

Regular relaxation massage enables you to maintain an improved state of wellbeing and provide you with the ability to cope with the stresses of day-to-day living.

I can provide a wide range of treatments to target the treatment to your individual body’s needs, giving you the best chance of restoring your health to its optimum level of health.

There are several modalities that I use to encourage your body to find it’s own way back into balance:

Remedial Massage

Used to treat a specific dysfunction in the body, such as joint or muscular restriction, back and neck pain, or headaches. The area is assessed & treated to your specific needs, using a variety of techniques including sports massage, deep tissue massage, myofascial release and trigger point therapy. Stretches and exercises are often given to help increase recovery and aid in the management of the problem.

Trigger Point Therapy

Triggers points are hyper-irritable points within a taut band of muscle. These points are one of the main causes of muscle pain, either locally or distant to the actual muscle affected. Treatment involves applying pressure, or using myofascial cupping, to remove the trigger point from the muscle. Treatments usually include stretches which assist to prevent the trigger point from returning post-treatment.

Myofascial Release

Every muscle, bone, tendon, vein, artery and organ of the body is connected by fascia. Applying gentle and sustained pressure to the myofascial connective tissue can ease tension and re-establish free movement to the body.


Like acupuncture but without the needles, acupressure targets points throughout the body to stimulate the body’s self-curative abilities.

Acupressure can be applied as a standalone treatment specifically designed for you, or acupressure points may be utilised during a normal remedial massage as an additional technique to assist muscle tension and other dysfunctions.

I have had significant success with using this technique to treat people with sinus issues, particularly headaches and hayfever.


Reflexology is a holistic healing technique based on the principle that the feet are a map to the entire body. Reflex points in the feet, when pressed, clear blockages and re-establish energy flows to organs, glands and tissue, encourage the body to return to a state of homeostasis.

It is possible to effectively treat deep organs and other areas of dysfunction in the body that can normally not be effected by massage of the musculoskeletal system generally.


A healing technique where ‘life force energy’ is channelled into your body to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Reiki treats the body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Feel free to discuss any of the above treatment options with me to find out how they can benefit you.

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